from Alani, Nepal and Beyond

Namaste! Photos and stories from Nepal and other wonderful places.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Quoted! Am I Famous?

So, while I was in India I received an email from my school’s publicist (? I think that is the title), who had gotten an email from a student in Amsterdam asking for my email address. I emailed the student, who is Dutch, and found out that he was in his final year at the University of Amsterdam and was working on his senior research project, which happens to be very similar to my research topic but in the field of anthropology. Happy to have found someone interested in this topic (birth rituals, etc.), I quickly forwarded on my senior comps. A couple of weeks later he writes back a short email saying he is attaching his senior project and that it’s in Dutch but maybe I’ll understand. At first I thought, oh, no, no communication whatsoever! But then I read the documents and found out that Dutch really isn’t that far off from English, and more importantly that he had quoted my paper a couple of times! Now, as if you all reading my emails and this website wasn’t enough to convince me of my fame, this really goes over the top, don’t you think? I guess most importantly, not having anything to do with quoting me, it seems from what I can tell to be a good research paper. I have to figure out how to translate it completely, someday.
“Twee belangrijke werken die specifiek op dit onderwerp ingaan zijn de scripties ‘Vrouwen van Kathajor’ van Anneke Donker en ‘Childbirth in Samsara’ van Alani Price. Anneke Donker deed in 1998 haar veldwerk in Nepal, en Alani Price verricht op dit moment haar onderzoek naar geboorterituelen in Nepal” (van de Reep, 2005). I’m not able to reference this entirely properly but will try if you ask for it. This means something like, 'two works that I reference etcetc, and Alani who is at this moment doing her fieldwork on birth rituals in Nepal.' The other parts are actual quotes from my paper. Which I can send to you also if you like, though it is rather long. If you’re interested in hearing specifically about what I am researching here, though now of course in the midst of it this has changed a bit, I can send the two page proposal I wrote for my application to this grant.


Blogger Katie said...

I'd love to see your proposal! And of course, your paper. Is that nerdy?

5:18 AM  

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