from Alani, Nepal and Beyond

Namaste! Photos and stories from Nepal and other wonderful places.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ambassador James F. Moriarty and me. Would have been good photo if not for piece of hair covering eye. He's way, way taller than Nepalese people. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ginny emailed me that you are in the hospital with pheumonia! And your father is there too. What a shame. I hope by the time this arrives you will be home. I just read your whole blog thru - it's great. I can't wait to see photos of Surita's wedding. Adrienne

3:10 AM  
Blogger Aristotle said...

Oh and one more thing, (I hope you have already read my first comment posted under your post about 'marriage')...I came to see your blog after searching the list of the people who like Vivaldi's Four Seasons like me.
And since you do, I can't help telling you that I had just been to Vivaldi's home-city, Venice !!

8:14 AM  

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